Kath Hore
Mission & RE Support Officer
National Child Protection Week
6–12 September 2020
This year celebrates 30 years of National Child Protection Week and the theme ‘Putting children first’ aims to bring abuse and neglect out of the shadows and put child wellbeing on the national agenda.
Putting children first means prioritising the safety and wellbeing of children. To grow up well children need to feel safe and loved, have a chance to play and explore, have a say in decisions that affect them, and access to essential things like food, shelter and healthcare.
Under this year’s theme we are all encouraged to look at how we can prioritise children in their lives and communities and to engage in National Child Protection Week – as individuals, and as part of families, organisations, communities and society.
For children to thrive we need to come together as a community and put children’s needs first during National Child Protection Week and every week.
To be involved with activities visit
Parish Masses Resumed
Fr Andrew would like to let everyone know that the normal Mass schedule in the parish has been resumed, albeit with all the necessary restrictions, and everyone is welcome back. If you wish to attend please register online at Thank you.
Recycled Uniform Outlet
The Recycled Uniform ‘Outlet’ is open Tuesday afternoon from 3.30 to 4.15 pm. If you have an urgent need for recycled uniforms, please see Mrs Hore in Student Services. Formal uniforms sell for $10.00 per item, sports uniform and house shirts are $5.00 per item. Jackets are available for $25.00 each. All prices are negotiable.
If you have uniforms your child no longer requires – all donations are gratefully accepted.
Thursday Mass
10 September – No Mass EXAM WEEK
17 September – Ms Ryan’s Year 10A SOR Class
Class Mass is celebrated in the College Chapel at 10.40 am each Thursday
Please Pray for …
- All those who care for and offer support to others during Covid-19
- People in our community who are unwell or recovering from illness
- Protection for all children and may they know God’s love and compassion
- Fathers nurturing and caring for their families as we celebrate Father’s Day
- Students undertaking their exams during Week 9
Praise and Thanks for…
- all people, who are working to ensure justice and peace prevail in many troubled countries
- the work being done cooperatively between nations to produce a vaccine in the fight against Covid-19
- Organisations rescuing people who are lured into child labour and human trafficking
- Living in a democratic country and having the freedom to worship God

Brad Eggmolesse
Indigenous Education Liaison Officer
When you type the word culture into Google search it will give you a definition something like this – “ the ideas, customs and social behavior of a particular people or society”. Another definition for the word culture could be – “ the way we do things”. With this in mind, I would like to share a few recipes from my family. These are recipes I have learnt from my grandmother, father, mother, uncles, aunties, brothers, sisters, cousins and friends over time.
Hope you have as much fun cooking and eating these dishes as my family.
Brad Egg

What have the Student’s been up to?

The Junior Science Olympiad Exam for talented science students in years 7 to 10 was introduced this year which gave our younger students an opportunity to take this challenge and boost their scientific talent. The Senior Science Olympiad exams were also conducted online this year for the subjects Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Earth sciences.
Students who sat for the exam, are then selected to represent Australia for International Science Olympiads to be held in cities across the world. This is an excellent opportunity opening a whole new knowledge field for them to explore. They can meet up with like-minded talented students from across the globe to compete. The Olympiads are sanctioned by the United Nation’s educational, scientific and cultural organisation, UNESCO.
These exams open the pathway for the students to be able to get selected for a two-week summer program at the Australian National University (ANU) or 6-month career mentorship program along with a week-long camp. Students with a passion for science must register for the Australian Science Olympiads and Chanel College proudly had 24 applicants across all year groups this year.
Here are some of the excerpts from their experiences: –

Daniel Gold
Recently I took part in both the physics and chemistry Olympiad for the first time at Chanel. I strongly recommend anyone who is looking for a way to challenge themselves and go above and beyond to participate in science Olympiads. It is a great way to explore your interests and open up opportunities to compete on a higher level.”

Siena Linforth
“Throughout week 7, a series of Australian Science Olympiads were hosted by Australian Science Innovations, ACT giving senior students the opportunity to competitively examine their ability across Physics, Chemistry and Biology subjects. The online exams combined applications of knowledge, practical thinking and scientific scenarios within 2 hours. With an upward 4000 students competing nationally, Chanel’s participation showcased our strength embedded across our Science Faculty. Amid External exam preparation, the exams were brilliant practice for working with unknown, external material and proved beneficial. Upon completing all 3 exams, I left feeling confident about my efforts and hope even more students can get involved next year.”

Advait Kamble
“It was very intriguing and a new experience as I had not done an Olympiad exam before. I thoroughly enjoyed it as I was challenged with tricky questions which helped improve my understanding of both Physics and Chemistry. I would recommend these to younger year levels as this is a way to enjoy and broaden one’s knowledge. The range of questions asked made it a very vivid experience for both subjects as it displayed the extensive knowledge required to answer the questions correctly. Overall it is a great experience and a good preparation for my external exams”.

In alignment with year 11 ATAR science subjects, Year 10 students worked on modifying (extending and refining) different chemistry reactions as well as data analysis for their experiment.
Students experienced researching different reactions for their data analysis. They were well supported by their teachers and Lab Assistant Mr David Wild.
Gerard Trewick had an awesome experience making elephant toothpaste as an example of an exothermic reaction and which helped to make up his mind on his subject choices for his further years of studies.
The Year 10 Food Studies and Nutrition students have been exploring food concepts for markets. Today they held their own market day, selling foods such as Danish pastry, pizza, cakes and fudges. They have learnt valuable lessons in time and resource management, customer service, costing, food packaging and labelling.
On Wednesday 2 September McAuley House celebrated their Feast Day. It is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate the life of Catherine McAuley their House patron.
Catherine McAuley teaches us to be compassionate and merciful to those in our communities less fortunate. She was particularly an advocate for the uneducated and disadvantaged young women, the poor and marginalised. This also reflects our College Theme for 2020, From Compassion to Action. Students lead a House Liturgy in our College Spiritual Garden, followed by a shared picnic.
Thank you to the House Delegates and Pastoral Care Teachers for the organisation of the days event. It was a beautiful day shared by the mighty blue house – McAuley.

2013 Chanel College Graduate
Jakob is currently completing his final year of study and graduating with a Bachelor of Fine Arts at QUT. He has been commissioned for creating artwork that appears in public spaces, corporate offices and within Art Galleries throughout Brisbane and Melbourne.
Jakob has been working towards eventually moving overseas with plans of presenting his work to a global audience.
Chanel College would like to acknowledge Jakob for his amazing art and wish him all the best for his future goals.

Chanel College are accepting Enrolments for Year 7 in 2022. This is the current Year 5 students in 2020.
*However the interview process will not commence until 2021.
Please submit your Enrolment Application to secure a place for 2022.
Chanel College is fast becoming one of the most well respected Colleges in Central Qld, where we strive to meet and maximise each student’s individual potential.
Enrolment Packages available from the College Office or Download from the College Website, by following the link below.

Kylie Kickbusch
Sports Program Leader

In conjunction with the Gladstone Ports Corporation Active August initiative, Chanel College held a Lap it Up Inter-House Challenge during weeks 5-7. Walking laps around the oval at 2nd break for 3 weeks would get the student moving and walk as many kilometres as we could. During second break each day, everyone (students and staff) were encouraged to come down and walk laps around the oval. Some walked, whilst others jogged, did sprints, skipped, hopped, passed a footy, or enjoyed a chat ‘n’ stroll with their friends. Students collected a token each lap around the oval and placed them in their House container at the finish line. Alex Di Bartolo, Jack Mitchell, Dallas Plunkett, Stella Castelli and Yun Han Chen smashed out between 6-11 laps each second break – fantastic effort guys, you really took up the challenge and gave your House the best shot at taking out the challenge.
Overall, as a College, we walked 2671.60 Km or 6679 laps. Congratulations to Futuna House who won the Lap It Up Challenge, walking an incredible 1557 laps. Thank you to Mrs Lisle, Mrs Shailer and Mr Galea who were out there every break time helping or walking laps. A massive THANK YOU and congratulations to all the students who embraced the Active August initiative and the Interhouse Lap it Up Challenge – it was so great to see so many of you enjoying the chance to get active and walk those laps around the oval.

Leanne Crane
Careers Officer
Larissa Burnett from James Cook University visited with students recently at Chanel College to share information about the great opportunities JCU have on offer. Thank you Larissa and JCU for keeping our students up to date with all the different career choices.
If you are considering a career in medicine or dentistry, you can access the following UCAT and Medical Interview preparation services and resources via the National Institute of Education (NIE) website.
Additionally, if you have questions in relation to UCAT, Medical Interviews, Medical School Applications, or career in the health sector, please do not hesitate to contact us directly and one of the teachers will be more than happy to assist.
You can find all the information you need here:
In 1831, Catherine McAuley established the Sisters of Mercy, a group of compassionate women committed to justice and mercy. In keeping with this call, the Rockhampton Sisters of Mercy established an annual scholarship of $5,000 for the tertiary education of an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander student. The scholarship recipient will be chosen from applicants who are enrolled in Year 12 at a Catholic Secondary College in the Rockhampton Diocese and who are accepted into a university degree course.
The advisory panel may choose to divide the scholarship between two applicants, if the applicants equally fulfil the selection criteria. The scholarship is payable to the student/s at the beginning of first semester when tertiary admission has been offered. An advisory panel, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander members of the community, will assist the Sisters of Mercy in selecting the successful candidate/s. A formal presentation for the scholarship recipient will occur in term four.
- The student must be of Aboriginal and /or Torres Strait Islander descent.
- Studying at a Catholic Secondary College within the Diocese of Rockhampton.
- Intending to study at university. In addition, the student will;
- Have demonstrated a commitment to study and display academic potential.
- Be involved in the school community in some way [student mentors, Student Council, sporting/ cultural commitments etc.].
- Have demonstrated a good attendance record.
- Give an indication as to how the scholarship will assist their financial need/s.
You need to include: - A reference from an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander community member
- A reference from a member of school staff [Teacher/Head of House or Year/Principal/APRE]
- A copy of your latest report card
For more information contact:
Brad Jarro (Indigenous Education Coordinator) Catholic Education Office
Closing date: Friday 9 October 2020
Phone: 49948030
Application Submission:
Interested students are invited to complete the Scholarship Application and send via email or hard copy to;
Brad Jarro
Indigenous Education Coordinator
Catholic Education Office
PO Box 524
Monday 5 October
Tuesday 6 October
• Term 4 Commences
Wednesday 11 November
• Remembrance Day Ceremony
Wednesday 18 November
• Year 12 Graduation Dinner
Thursday 19 November
• Year 12 Graduation Activities
Friday 20 November
• Year 12 Presentation Assembly 9.15 am
• Year 12 Graduation MASS 1.00 pm
• Term 4 Concludes for Year 12
Friday 27 November
• Term 4 Concludes for Years 10 & 11
Tuesday 1 December
• Year 7,8 & 9 House Challenge Day
Wednesday 2 December
• New Student Day (Year 7 for 2021)
Thursday 3 December
• Year 7 – 9 Picnic Day
Friday 4 December
• Term 4 Concludes for Years 7 – 9 (12.00 noon)

11 Paterson Street,
Gladstone QLD 4680
- Email: General Enquiries
- Email: Leadership Team
- Catholic Education: <Student Protection