Dr Susan Bunkum PhD
Chanel College Principal
Welcome back to Term 3. By all accounts, it seems that everyone had a restful holiday and returned to school refreshed and energised.
We are hopeful that Covid restrictions in Queensland ease this term and we will begin to see things become more ‘normal’ in terms of sport, excursions, co-curricular activities and other College events.
In this light, the College Leadership Team is currently planning for Parent Teacher Interviews and Subject Selection Information events that are compliant with Queensland Health requirements. As always, we will do our best to keep you up-to-date with what is, and is not able to take place.

Ms Geraldine Dyer
Spirit of Catholic Education Awards
As a College community we are very excited to learn that our Deputy Principal, Miss Geraldine Dyer, has been nominated for a Queensland Catholic Education Commission Spirit of Catholic Education Award for 2020. We congratulate Miss Dyer on this wonderful recognition of the great work that she has done as a teacher and a leader in Catholic schools in Queensland for more than 4 decades.
Staff News
This term has seen the following changes to our College staff:
- Mrs Eleisha Miller is on leave for Term 3. Mrs Alicia Stanley will be teaching Food and You (Year 9), Visual Art (Years 11 & 12) and Art (Years 8 & 9) during this time.
- Ms Jessica Ryan, Pastoral Leader of Marcellin, is on leave for the first four weeks of this term. Mrs Jade Van Krimpen will be Acting Pastoral Leader of Marcellin House while Ms Ryan is on leave.
- Mrs Rachel Shailer has joined our staff this term. She will be teaching Sport, Health and You (Year 9), Be a Sport (Year 9), Biology (Year 11) and Marine Science (Year 11).
- Mr Matthew Pearson has also joined our staff this term. He will be teaching Science (Year 9), Mathematics (Year 9), Scientific Studies (Year 10), Religious Education (Year 7) and will share the responsibility for Certificate III in CMT with Miss Dyer.
- Mr Bradley Eggmolesse has taken up the role of Indigenous Education Support Officer at Chanel.
- Miss Geraldine Dyer has resigned from her position as Deputy Principal as of the end of this year. Miss Dyer has been a wonderful servant leader at Chanel College for twenty-seven years and we thank her for the amazing work that she has done during the years that she has been at Chanel. We will advertise the Deputy Principal position this week.
I extend a very warm Chanel ‘welcome’ to our new members of staff.
(Important information about Principal performance review)
Dear Members of the Chanel College, Gladstone community
Currently your school Principal, Dr Susan Bunkum, is preparing for a performance review as part of the usual on-going professional development of Principals in our Catholic schools.
The performance review process consists of Susan preparing a self-review document, sample members of the school community participating in a 360-degree online survey and a panel validating the review through interviews with Susan and members of the community.
Therefore, in the coming week a random sample of staff members and parents will receive a request to participate in a survey conducted by an external company (Ardjuna Information Services). The purpose of the survey is to assist with and contribute to the process of performance review and to provide additional information to supplement Susan’s self-review.
At this stage the panel visit to Chanel College will occur on Tuesday 25 August, subject to any travel restrictions at that time. I will chair the panel and be joined by Mr Rob Alexander (Principal, The Cathedral College, Rockhampton).
As part of the validation process, the panel will conduct a series of interviews with staff members, parents and students.
The opportunity exists for all members of the school community to participate in the performance review, so if you would like the opportunity to contribute to Susan’s ongoing development and are not contacted to be part of the survey, please feel free to contact me by email: Further contact will then be made so that you are able to provide feedback.
Thank you for your ongoing support of Catholic Education and your assistance to Susan in her role as Principal.

Kath Hore
Mission & RE Support Officer
Catholic Education Week: 26 – 1 August
Catholic Education Week is an annual state-wide event that promotes the distinctive mission of Catholic schools throughout Queensland and this year’s theme, “A Spirited Tomorrow”, acknowledges 175 years of Catholic education in Queensland. Throughout the week we will be celebrating with a variety of activities. We hope this week will be one of great celebration as we recognise and acknowledge the long tradition of Catholic education and its continued relevance in preparing students for the future.
A very big ‘thank you’ to all who contributed to our Vinnies Winter Appeal at the end of last term. The St Vincent De Paul Society of Gladstone was very grateful for the generous donations of money, food and blankets that will be distributed to needy individuals and families in our region. Special thanks to Ms Bourke and McAuley House who co-ordinated this Appeal and worked extremely hard to ensure its success. We will all miss the hot chocolates available on Friday mornings!
Fr Andrew would like to let everyone know that the normal Mass schedule in the parish has been resumed, albeit with all the necessary restrictions. Everyone is welcome back! If you wish to attend please register online at
The Recycled Uniform ‘Outlet’ is now open Tuesday afternoon from 3.30 to 4.15 pm. If you have an urgent need for recycled uniforms, please see Mrs Hore in Student Services.
30 July – Ms Van Krimpen’s Year 10 SOR Class
6 August – No Mass
Class Mass is celebrated in the College Chapel at 10.40 am each Thursday
- All those who care for and offer support to others during Covid-19.
- People in our community who are unwell or recovering from illness.
- Stable governments working together to resolve differences, bringing peace and justice to all nations
Praise and Thanks for…
- all people, who are working to ensure justice and peace prevail in many troubled countries.
- the work being done cooperatively between nations to produce a vaccine in the fight against Covid-19.
- the pioneer women and men who had the foresight and courage to establish the Catholic Education system that we benefit from today and for those who continue to support it.
- a safe and restful holiday and a positive and productive start to Semester 2.
Recognition of Leadership in our Schools
This year Catholic Education Diocese of Rockhampton are introducing a new recognition category for those who are long serving leaders in our schools, who have held leadership positions for over 20 years. This significant achievement demonstrates a selflessness and a tireless commitment to the ministry of Catholic Education. This week we extend sincere thanks and congratulations to the following from our Southern Region:
Congratulations to two of Chanel College Leadership Team, Ms Geraldine Dyer and Dr Susan Bunkum.
Geraldine Dyer:
Gerry’s 24 years working in leadership roles in Catholic Education have all occurred at Chanel College in Gladstone, commencing as APRE in 1996 before taking on her current role as Deputy Principal in 2004. Gerry has also held the position of Acting Principal during her time at Chanel. She is very much at the heart of the College and ensures the flame of Chanel’s mission is kept alight through her commitment and dedication. Thank you, Gerry, for all you have contributed to Chanel and to Catholic Education.
Susan Bunkum:
Susan recently joined Catholic Education in the Diocese of Rockhampton as Principal of Chanel College in 2017 following extensive experience in leadership roles at colleges in Queensland and Tasmania since 1992. Susan is committed to excellence in all aspects of education, seeking to encourage all to produce their very best. We are delighted that Susan has joined our diocese and we thank her for her significant contribution to Catholic Education within Australia.

Lorraine Wolffe
Assistant Principal – Curriculum
Chanel College has a strong commitment to supporting all students in our College and responding to their learning needs. We have an inclusive practice that differentiates learning activities to meet the diverse needs of individual learners so that all learners can achieve personal growth. To support this, Chanel College has responsibilities, along with all schools in Australia, to participate in the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD). The NCCD process requires schools to identify information already available in the school about support provided to students with disability. These relate to legislative requirements under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 and the Disability Standards for Education 2005, in line with the NCCD Guidelines (2019).
Information provided about students to the Australian Government for the NCCD includes:
- year of schooling
- category of disability: physical, cognitive, sensory or social/emotional
- level of adjustment provided: support provided within quality differentiated teaching practice, supplementary, substantial or extensive.
This information assists schools to:
- formally recognise the supports and adjustments provided to students with disability in schools
- consider how they can strengthen the support of students with disability in schools
- develop shared practices so that they can review their learning programs in order to improve educational outcomes for students with disability.
The NCCD provides state and federal governments with the information they need to plan more broadly for the support of students with disability. The NCCD will have no direct impact on your child and your child will not be involved in any testing process. The school will provide data to the Australian Government in such a way that no individual student will be able to be identified – the privacy and confidentiality of all students is ensured. All information is protected by privacy laws that regulate the collection, storage and disclosure of personal information. To find out more about these matters, please refer to the Australian Government’s Privacy Policy ( Further information about the NCCD can be found on the NCCD Portal (
If you have any questions about the NCCD, please do not hesitate to contact myself or Mrs Jenelle Wood, Inclusive Curriculum Coordinator.
Year 12 Looking to the Future
This week the Year 12 students planning to go to university next year attended QTAC Presentations with their parents to receive up-to-date information to assist in their planning and preparation. All students are currently being supported by Ms Wolffe, Assistant to the Principal – Curriculum and Mrs Crane, Careers Officer to explore the many opportunities that are available for them in 2021.
Our Parent/Teacher Interview evening for Years 7 – 12 will be held on Monday, 3 August 2020 from 4.00 pm to 6.00 pm and 6.30 pm to 8.30 pm in the Marian Centre.
All bookings for Parent/Teacher Interviews can be made via Parent Lounge. Bookings open at 4.00 pm on Thursday, 23 July and close at 3.00 pm on Friday, 31 July.
If a teacher has requested an interview, it is important that a parent/s attend. The College must adhere to the COVID19 social distancing guidelines. Therefore, a maximum of two people per interview may attend e.g. one parent and student, or two parents. The waiting area for interviews will be outside the Marian Centre. The duration of the interview is 7 minutes per subject.
We also take this opportunity to advise that Semester 1 Academic Reports for Years 7 to 10 will be available for viewing on Parent Lounge from Monday 27 July. Paper copies will also be posted on this date.
Should you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact the College.

Tania Fisher
Co-Curricular Program Leader
Chanel’s Got Talent
As we all know, this year has been a very challenging one and as a result, many events that would have taken place, have unfortunately been cancelled. Last term, even though we were in lock down, Chanel was still able to participate in some Co-Curricular activities, in a slightly different format.
One of these was Chanel’s Got Talent Online. Here at Chanel, there is some amazing talent and I would like to once again, thank all those students who submitted an entry. The judges have viewed and critiqued the submissions and the results are in.
First Place: Marifeil Romero – Year 8
Second Place: Nicola Bradshaw – Year 12
Third Place: Nicola Bradshaw (Year 12) and Imogen Whiting (Year 12)
Co-Curricular Music
If you are still wishing to get involved and have always wanted to play an instrument, it’s not too late. Concert band is looking for more members. In particular, we are looking for students interested in playing:
- percussion
- tenor saxophone
- trombone
- lower brass
If you have played any of these instruments in the past and are interested in re-joining our growing instrumental music program for this year, please speak to Mrs Rippingale.
The String Ensemble is also looking for more members. These include:
- violin
- viola
- cello
- double bass
Co-Curricular Programs
This term, with the easing of restrictions, the Co-Curricular Program is running back to normal (with all the safety measures still in place). Please find below the schedule of regular activities taking place each week.
Chanel College Senior Visual Art students have completed “The Arts” mural. The mural is now displayed in our Gum Court Precinct to celebrate our talented Art students. It is the first of many public Art installments to come. Well done students!

Leanne Crane
Careers Officer
Congratulations to the students below for gaining Full Time or School Based Apprenticeships. We wish them all the best in their chosen Pathways.
Work Experience
Over the July school holidays, 19 Chanel students completed Work Experience at various businesses across Gladstone. Chanel College would like to thank all the businesses for allowing our students to gain valuable experience towards their career pathways.

Kylie Kickbusch
Sports Program Leader
2020 QISSN Team
At Chanel College, the first week of the June/July school holidays is usually all about netball and rugby league with our teams competing in the QISSN Netball and Confraternity Rugby League Carnivals.
10 girls were selected for the team in Week 3 of Term 1 and preparation for the carnival went into full swing. The team was training strong and the year started off with so much excitement. It was unfortunate that the 2020 QISSN team didn’t get the opportunity to defend it’s GOLD Medal as the difficult decision was made to cancel the carnival for the first time in its 20 year history due to COVID-19. Although the team are not playing this year, these girls were selected to represent Chanel College as the 2020 Chanel College QISSN team.
Congratulations to Year 11 students Kasi Richardson (Captain) and Jada Walker (Vice-Captain) – your leadership skills, outstanding netball abilities and passion for the game would truly be on show for all to see. Big thank you to Mrs Lisle (team coach/manager) and to Mrs McAlister for their help through the selection process, training and getting the 2020 QISSN team up and running. Bring on 2021 for another shot of gold medal victory!
Rugby Union
Our Rugby Union Team’s season was cut short this Year due to Covid-19; however, the team played some amazing rugby during the Rockhampton Schools Rugby Comp in the Term 1. The stand out game was against St Brendan’s in Week 2 with Chanel winning the game 24-22.
The team was co-captained by Nyasha Mhuka (Year 10) and Ty Fitzgerald (Year 9). Well done boys!
1 – Brayden Steer
2 – William Lenz
3- Te Wairongoa Enoka Maraenui Phokoura-Mill
4 – Bronson Te-Ohaki Kamira Noble
5 – Cooper Zahra
6 – Aoina Koby Tanoitiaola
7 – Rhys Cogill
8 – Ty Fitzgerald
9 – Heath Lindenmeyer
10 – Jake Veach
11 – Carter King
12 – Deece Maitu Tawa Te Iwi Ngaro Norriss-Morehu
13 – Nyasha Mhuka
14 – Michael Fitzgerald
15 – Leandrew O’Reilly
16 – Jett Awee
17 – Isaac Watters
18 – Kye Vacher
19 – Seth Jarram
20 – Charlie Little
21 – Tomas Murphy
22 – Nick Hall
23 – Davis King
Monday 3 August
• Parent Teacher Interviews
Wednesday 5 August
• Yr 8 into 9 Elective Subjects Information Sessions
9.00 am & 6.00 pm
• Yr 9 into 10 Subjects Information Sessions
10.00 am & 7.00 pm
(Parent letter will be sent with a link to reply)
Friday 7 August
• MacKillop Feast Day
Monday 10 August
• Show Public Holiday

11 Paterson Street,
Gladstone QLD 4680
- Email: General Enquiries
- Email: Leadership Team
- Catholic Education: <Student Protection