Congratulations to McAuley House on becoming the Inter-House Sports Day Champions for 2020. Read all about the event in this newsletter under the SPORTS section as well as view many pics of the day by clicking on one of the photo’s and make it full size then scroll through. Enjoy!
Kath Hore
Mission & RE Support Officer
Year 8 Retreat
Our Year 8 students returned from their Middle Year Leader Retreat with much enthusiasm and excitement. The program provided many opportunities for them to be leaders working in groups and gaining skills of working with each other, to complete set tasks. Students’ comments included – ‘The best thing that happened on retreat was being able to learn to work together in a group and that helped me to overcome some of my fears.’ ‘To be a leader means that it is not just about position, it is about example and so you have to set a good, kind, Chaneligan and Godly example to be a good leader.’ ‘The proudest moment for me was trying to go through the whale’s belly cave, it was very far out of my comfort zone and even though I didn’t complete it, I’m glad I tried.’
With comments like these, we can be assured that our students are well on the way of being tomorrow’s leaders!!
Click through the near 300 photos below to see what a great time the Year 8 students had!
Parish Masses Resumed
Fr Andrew would like to let everyone know that the normal Mass schedule in the parish has been resumed, albeit with all the necessary restrictions, and everyone is welcome back. If you wish to attend please register online at Thank you.
Recycled Uniform Outlet
The Recycled Uniform ‘Outlet’ is open Tuesday afternoon from 3.30 to 4.15 pm. If you have an urgent need for recycled uniforms, please see Mrs Hore in Student Services. Formal uniforms sell for $10.00 per item, sports uniform and house shirts are $5.00 per item. Jackets are available for $25.00 each. All prices are negotiable.
If you have uniforms your child no longer requires – all donations are gratefully accepted.
Thursday Mass
27 August – Mr Grealy’s Year 10C SOR Class
3 September – Mrs Lisle’e Year 8A Religion Class
Class Mass is celebrated in the College Chapel at 10.40 am each Thursday
Please Pray for …
- All those who care for and offer support to others during Covid-19.
- People in our community who are unwell or recovering from illness.
- People in Lebanon living with the aftermath of the Beirut explosion, the political crisis and religious tensions.
Praise and Thanks for…
- all people, who are working to ensure justice and peace prevail in many troubled countries.
- the work being done cooperatively between nations to produce a vaccine in the fight against Covid-19.
- the recent rain bringing relief to many arid parts of our nation.
- Parents and students being able to attend information sessions as they plan their future education pathways.
Lorraine Wolffe
Assistant Principal – Curriculum
The QCAA appoints members of the Queensland community to observe and report on the administration of external assessment sessions at secondary schools and approved assessment venues throughout Queensland. Invigilators play an important role in promoting public confidence in the new Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE) system and ensuring that proper and fair administrative procedures are implemented.
Applications from Queensland community members for invigilator roles are now open.
Invigilators are required to:
- attend allocated assessment sessions at assessment venues
- observe and report on the administration of assessments and the collection, counting and packing of materials at the end of assessments.
To be eligible to apply for a QCAA invigilator role, community members must:
- hold a blue card or an exemption card
- be at least 18 years of age
- be eligible to work in Australia
- have photographic identification
- have a personal email address
- have a mobile phone
- have access to a computer, the internet, and a printer
- supply names and contact details of two referees.
- Before applying, community members should read the Position Description: Invigilators and Invigilator frequently asked questions available
- Eligible applicants will need to submit their applications via the Assessor Jobs app in the QCAA Portal (
For any further information, please email or phone (07) 3074 7574.
Brad Eggmolesee
Indigenous Education Liaison Officer
Kobi Mallie-Roberts – Year 8
Kobi Mallie-Roberts has been selected by artist Ping Carlyon as part of her Shining Stars Exhibition 2020. The exhibition focuses on 14 talented local kids across 12 sports who she has painted. Kobi has been selected for his excellent achievements in gymnastics.
The exhibition ‘Our Shining Stars’ is on display at the Gladstone Regional Art Gallery & Museum in Goondoon Street Gladstone until 26 September 2020.
As a part of celebrations during Catholic Education Week students and staff of Chanel College celebrated the many important cultures within our school. We recognise the significant contributions of our Indigenous and Torres Strait Islander students and the unique perspective they bring to our learning and mission.
What have the Student’s been up to?
Year 7 Students have recently completed their History assignment on Preserving the Past. Students were asked to research a particular ancient historical site and assess its value then and now. They presented their findings as Annotated Visual Displays (AVDs), which included posters, models and dioramas. Their enthusiasm and enjoyment of this activity is clearly demonstrated in the workmanship and details displayed in their final presentations.
Click through the photo’s to see more:

Click through the photo’s to see more:

Chanel College are accepting Enrolments for Year 7 in 2022. This is the current Year 5 students in 2020.
*However the interview process will not commence until 2021.
Please submit your Enrolment Application to secure a place for 2022.
Chanel College is fast becoming one of the most well respected Colleges in Central Qld, where we strive to meet and maximise each student’s individual potential.
Enrolment Packages available from the College Office or Download from the College Website, by following the link below.

Kylie Kickbusch
Sports Program Leader
It was a busy week of walking in the Lap it Up Challenge, which is a part of the GPC’s Active August campaign. We are making our way back through central NSW, via Bathurst, Orange and Dubbo, we should be back in QLD by Tuesday afternoon. We have walked a total of 4717 laps or 1886Klm, that’s from Chanel College to St. Francis, Tannum Sands 78 times!
2020 has been a year unlike any other. It has greatly affected the Sports Program and Inter-House sporting calendar at the College. But finally, the chance came to don those House shirts and let those competitive Inter-House vibes run free.
It was so good to get back into the Inter-House Spirit and have a day full of fun, healthy competition and a showcase of athletic prowess. Everyone finally enjoyed having another Inter-House competition and this was clearly on show. Sitting under their new coloured House tents, the students were eager to get into the House spirit. The day was a combination of track (100m, 1500m and 4 x 100m relay), field (shot-put, long jump) and the good ole ball games.
Students ran, jumped and threw like never before, I think they too were excited to have some Inter-House competition back on the oval. The ball games proved to be a hit with everyone, students and staff alike. The games were hotly contested, and everyone was cheering, laughing and pushing their House to throw or roll that ball 1 speed faster so they could win the game. The Year 12 students showcased their leadership, acting as ‘ball game’ coaches for each Year – it was great to see everyone get involved and have some fun. But fun just doesn’t cut it when it comes to House spirit at Chanel – this healthy rivalry ensured the leader board for House Champion changed constantly throughout the day.
Participation numbers where at an all-time high and it showed when the final count for the Champion House and House Spirit awards were announced. Congratulations to MacKillop House for taking out the House Spirit award – your participation, theme, war cries and dress-up was top-notch. And the Champion House for the 2020 Interhouse Sports Day was ………. McAuley House. Congratulations to the McAuley House Delegates and all McAuley students – you guys smashed it in the events, especially the ball games and relay’s.
Congratulations to all the students – you showed just how much pride, passion and spirit you have for your House and what it means to be back in action on the Inter-House sporting scene. Thank you to all the staff, groundsmen, teachers for your amazing help and assistance in the lead-up to and on the Sports day. Thank you to everyone for a truly fantastic and enjoyable day, it was so good to finally have an Inter-House carnival and each and every one of you showed awesome Chanel and House spirit and pride. Come at us 2021 – fingers crossed it is a far better year for our Inter-House carnivals.
Click through the photo’s to see more:
Wednesday 2 September
• McAuley Feast Day
Friday 4 September
7 – 11 September
• Year 7-10 EXAM Week
Thursday 10 September
• R U OK Day
Friday 18 September
• Term 3 Concludes
Monday 5 October
Tuesday 6 October
• Term 4 Commences
Wednesday 11 November
• Remembrance Day Ceremony
Wednesday 18 November
• Year 12 Graduation Dinner
Thursday 19 November
• Year 12 Graduation Activities
Friday 20 November
• Year 12 Presentation Assembly 9.15 am
• Year 12 Graduation MASS 1.00 pm
• Term 4 Concludes for Year 12
Friday 27 November
• Term 4 Concludes for Years 10 & 11
Tuesday 1 December
• Year 7,8 & 9 House Challenge Day
Wednesday 2 December
• New Student Day (Year 7 for 2021)
Thursday 3 December
• Year 7 – 9 Picnic Day
Friday 4 December
• Term 4 Concludes for Years 7 – 9 (12.00 noon)