30 OCTOBER 2020

Susan Bunkum
At this time of writing, it is significant that I recognise the fact that our Year 12 students are making Queensland history as they sit their external assessments – the first external exams in this state since 1972. The external assessments of 2020 are common to all schools across our state – they are administered under the same conditions, at the same time, and on the same day.
The teachers of Chanel College are confident that our Year 12’s have been well-prepared for these exams. This confidence is confirmed through conversations with students, before and after each exam. While it is inevitable that there is a degree of stress around the amount of rigorous study that is required for each subject and the engagement with a variety of examination tasks and formats, it would seem that students are feeling that they have been able to do their best on each exam.
I ask that you continue to keep our Year 12’s in your prayers in the remaining two weeks of the examination period. We are also lucky to have several teachers who will be travelling to Brisbane to join teams of teachers from across the state who will mark the external exams. I am sure that this experience will prove invaluable for them as it will allow them to hone their expertise as teachers of senior subjects.
As always, at this time of term, there is much activity and much reason to celebrate student achievement. In particular, I make mention of the visit by members of the Queensland Symphony Orchestra, the many events of Naidoc Week, the success of our teams at the recent Lego League competition and the Mocktails function last night. I thank all staff members who have made these events possible and congratulate all students on their enthusiastic participation in the life of their College.
Staff up-dates
Leadership Team
The Director of Catholic Education Diocese of Rockhampton, Miss Leesa Jeffcoat, has announced the following appointments, beginning in 2021, to the Leadership Team of Chanel College:
- Assistant to the Principal – Mission: Ms Kristi Bourke. Ms Bourke is currently McAuley Pastoral Leader at Chanel College.
- Assistant to the Principal – Administration (Acting): Mrs Kerrie Lisle. Mrs Lisle is currently Curriculum Leader of HPE at Chanel College.
- Assistant to the Principal – Students: Mr Nathan Doyle. Mr Doyle has occupied leadership roles in both state and Catholic schools and is currently a teacher and Director of Rugby League at St Brendan’s College in Yeppoon.
I am sure that you will join me in congratulating Ms Bourke, Mrs Lisle and Mr Doyle on their appointments and we look forward to working with them as they embark on their new leadership roles.
Other appointments:
- Ms Laura Ord who has been acting Curriculum Leader for English and LOTE will continue in this role next year.
- Mr Glenn Galea who is currently Futuna House Leader will move into the newly created role of Responsible Thinking Program Co-ordinator. This is a new program for the College and one, about which, you will receive further up-dates before the end of the year.
- Mr Calvin Bennett who is currently a teacher at the College will step into the role of Futuna House Leader in 2021.
I will continue to keep you up-dated with further staffing appointments for 2021 as appointments are confirmed by The Director.

Kath Hore
Mission & RE Support Officer
Sunday Parish Mass
Friendly reminder to register online for Sunday Masses at: or phone Bernadette Ariens on 0417 513 515, registration closes at 12pm each Saturday. Please arrive early, as you may miss out on a seat if you arrive after Mass has begun.
Keep up to date on our Facebook page:
Youth Gathering
The last Youth Gathering for this year will be held on Sunday 15 November at 4.30 pm until 5.30 pm in the Marian Centre. Students from all year levels are invited to attend to interact with other students in games and activities. A light supper will be provided. Please mark the date and encourage your friends to join with you.
Mission Month and Socktober
Socktober is an initiative of Catholic Mission and is one way in which our school engages in advocacy and formation activities for Catholic Mission during World Mission Month in October.
MacKillop House has called for donations of odd or pre-loved socks to make ‘sockballs’ for an activity for our students. Students will be able to wear crazy socks on 6 November and make a gold coin donation which will be donated to Catholic Mission as they support the Arrupe Centre in Cambodia. The centre provides vital care for children and young adults with disabilities and who would otherwise have limited opportunities or support to lead a fulfilling life.
2020 Christmas Appeal on behalf of St Vincent de Paul Society (Vinnies)
Once again this year, we are conducting our Christmas Appeal to provide food and gifts for the local St Vincent de Paul Society to distribute to individuals and families who need our support. The Appeal commences next week and is being organised by Marcellin and Futuna Houses under the leadership of Mrs Ryan and Mr Galea.
It would be terrific if each person at our College, staff and students, could make at least one donation to this very worthy Appeal – please be generous!
Recycled Uniform Outlet
The Recycled Uniform ‘Outlet’ is open Tuesday afternoon from 3.30 to 4.15 pm. If you have an urgent need for recycled uniforms, please see Mrs Hore in Student Services. Formal uniforms sell for $10.00 per item, sports uniform and house shirts are $5.00 per item. Jackets are available for $25.00 each. All prices are negotiable.
If you have uniforms your child no longer requires – all donations are gratefully accepted.
Thursday Mass
5 November – Mrs Schneider’s Year 7A Religion Class
12 November – Ms Van Kimpen’s Year 7E Religion Class
19 November – Mrs Meiring’s Year 7B Religion Class
Class Mass is celebrated in the College Chapel at 10.40 am each Thursday.
Please Pray for …
- All those who care for and offer support to others during Covid-19.
- People in our community who are unwell or recovering from illness.
- Generous donations to support St Vinnies Christmas Appeal
- The work of Catholic Mission throughout the world as it provides care and funds for the voiceless and disadvantaged
Praise and Thanks for…
- all people, who are working to ensure justice and peace prevail in many troubled countries.
- the freedom we experience in our country – freedom to vote, freedom to protest, freedom to practise our religion and freedom to live in safety.
- the work being done cooperatively between nations to research and develop a vaccine in the fight against Covid-19
- The much-needed rain bringing new growth to many parts of Australia

Brad Eggmolesse
Indigenous Education Liaison Officer
Our NAIDOC week celebrations 2020 were shared with Prep students from St Francis, St Johns and Star of the Sea. They loved having their faces painted and doing handprints with the help of Chanel students and local Byellee artist Tricia Coleman. Tricia and Chanel Art students and staff participated in a storytelling art session while the Prep kids also had fun playing traditional games. Our NAIDOC Liturgy was performed by junior and senior Indigenous students. A ‘Kup Mari’ (earth oven) was prepared by present and past students and Community cooks taught students to prepare traditional dishes. Students and staff were able to share a yarn and a feed with Elders, their families and representatives of local organisations in celebration of Indigenous culture.
At the end of our NAIDOC Week the Talent Today, Talent Tomorrow Bursaries recipients were announced. These bursaries are part of the GPC Reconciliation Action Plan and awarded to students enrolled and attending secondary schools in the Gladstone region. They are presented to a student who consistently demonstrates a positive commitment to their schooling. We are very thankful to the Gladstone Ports Corporation for their sponsorship of this bursary. The bursaries were awarded to Keelie Machen and Kobi Mallie-Roberts. The Recognition Award went to Jamila Rebel. Congratulations, Keelie, Kobi and Jamila. [Kobi was absent at the time of presentations as he was very busy at the Kup Murri in the morning, but was presented his award at lunch.]
NAIDOC Week concluded recently with much to celebrate – Liturgy, Kup Murri and Awards. Our College NAIDOC liturgy in the morning focused on the NAIDOC theme – Always was, always will be.
The celebrations on Friday proved to be a great way to finish a week of celebrations.

Glenn Galea
Responsible Thinking Process Coordinator
(commencing 2021)
At Chanel College, we place strong values on developing our students academically, spiritually, and emotionally. We recognise that the teenage years are difficult and making well-informed decisions can sometimes be hard.
In 2021 the College will be introducing a program called The Responsible Thinking Process. The RTP is a process that teaches respect for others through responsible thinking. For the rest of this year, I will be providing information to both Students and Parents about how RTP works and some of the protocols behind the use of the program.
This week I will focus on the guiding principles of RTP, and what the RTP will look like in within the College.
There are many guiding principles behind RTP. Some of these include:
- Students have the right to learn and teachers have the right to teach in safety.
- No one has the right to disrupt, to prevent others from learning, or to violate the rights of others.
- RTP, rather than being a set of rules, is an attitude about how a person interacts with others.
- RTP is a process that teaches respect for others through responsible thinking.
- RTP is not about how students behave, it is about how students are treated.
- It creates mutual respect by teaching students how to think through what they are doing in relation to the rules of a particular situation. This gives students personal accountability for their actions, thus teaching self-discipline.
It’s important for all parents to know how the process works. RTP is designed to maximise learning and minimise disruptions.
In the first instance of a student disrupting, he/she will be asked a set of questions. These are:
- What are you doing?
- What should you be doing?/What are the expectations?/Is that ok?
- What happens when you don’t meet the expectations?
- Is this what you want to happen?
- Where do you want to be?/What do you want to do now?
- What will happen if you disrupt again?
At this stage, the student will remain in the classroom. If the child disrupts again, he/she will be asked the second set of questions
- What are you doing?
- What did you say would happen the next time you disrupt?
- Where do you need to be?
At this point, he/she will be asked to pack up his/her equipment and move to the “Planning Room”.
In the Planning Room, he/she will sit quietly for a period of 10 minutes. After this time, a teacher and the student will work through a plan which focuses on successful re-entry to the classroom.
If you have any questions about the Responsible Thinking Process, please e-mail me and I will be happy to answer them for you.

What have the Student’s been up to?
The Chanel Crocs are now able to compete at the State First Lego League Championships in Brisbane. Thank you to their mentors, Tracey Iki, Jose Fuentes and Tania Andrews. The Robotics Club would also like to thank members of our wider community who assisted with the mentoring of our students. Well done to all the students and their mentors!

This week kicks off the 2020 Chanel College Christmas Appeal. This year more than ever Australians need our help. Due to COVID 19, many Australian families will be spending this Christmas in poverty. Many of them are facing hardship for the first time and have suddenly found themselves frightened about how they will keep a roof over their head and put food on the table, let alone celebrate on Christmas Day. Vinnies is taking pressure off families who are at breaking point by providing food hampers, emotional support, and help with essentials.
“Covid hit and I lost my job within days. 100% of my income just gone, like that overnight. It was gut-wrenching. A friend suggested I get in touch with Vinnies but it wasn’t easy to make the call. I’m 38 and it was the first time I’ve ever got help from anywhere.” – DAVID 38 Melbourne
This year we are calling for donations of non-perishable food items and gifts for both children and adults.
Thanks for your anticipated support of the appeal this year.
Our Coast Our Future, is a Gladstone Regional Council long-term strategy to help manage and adapt to the coastal hazard impacts on our coastline and communities. Recently Brett Tagney from GRC visited Year 11 Marine Science & Biological Science classes and a Year 7 class to speak to students about coastal hazards and their impacts. He bought projected coastlines for the Gladstone region which the students compared. Students were amazed to see what is predicted into the future and where the coastline may be. At the conclusion of the session our Chanel students gave input into the strategy for the Our Coast, Our Future report. It was a great opportunity for our young people to be heard in regards to the future of the region, to the means by which to reduce impacts on our coastline and also to make suggestions about how to build our coastline’s resilience over time.
The aim of the program is to better understand current and future impacts of coastal hazards on the Gladstone Region coastline, and plan to manage, and where possible, reduce these impacts on our coast and communities. In doing so, we will enhance the resilience of our coastline over time.
Congratulations to Year 10 student Bailey Schneider and Year 11 student Clayton Box for their achievements during their Certificate I in Engineering Course.
Shared from: Gladstone Engineering Alliance
Two Engineering students have been awarded for the successful completion of their projects at Chanel College. GEA member, Aestec Services, connected with Chanel College at our Major Industry Conference earlier this month and was delighted to present the two students with awards for their high standards during the Engineering Cert I course. They were also commended for demonstrating a positive attitude in the workshop.

Chanel College Year 12 Certificate I in Engineering – MEM10119 students were invited to showcase their Metal Sculptures at the CQU for the Launch of Gladstone Connect last week. Chanel College and the Engineering students were represented by Year 12 student, Tom Cullen and VET Staff Sue Going and Brian Pengelly who had the opportunity to speak to some very influential invited guests.
These guests included Nick McKenna- Australia Pacific LNG CEO, Professor Rowena Barret – QUT, Dr Sarah Pearson – Deputy Director General Innovation Representatives from The British Consulate Canberra, Matthew Burnett Gladstone Mayor, Derek Berg – Berg Engineering and Dr Vanessa Bochkezanian – CQU Rockhampton.
The guest speakers shared their Entrepreneurial ideas and guided the audience through a vast range of invaluable virtual experiences that demonstrated how success can be achieved through professional and personal relationships within their respective companies and businesses.
Chanel College is growing industry relations and is currently supported by the Gladstone Engineering Alliance. Students are getting excited about the programs that are currently in the construction phase as these will allow them more opportunities in the future.

Kylie Kickbusch
Sports Program Leader
Congratulations to students, Ryan and Nathan Carson who competed in the Matt Fiddes Martial Arts Australian Championships recently held at the Sunshine Coast.
Nathan was awarded the Silver Medal in Kata and Ryan received the Silver Medal in Sparring.
Well done to both boys on these amazing results!

Recently, students Nicholas Briggs and Jacob Butcher travelled to Toowoomba to represent the Capricornia region, in the School State Squash Tournament.
Nicholas finished runner up in the Under 19 Boys final as well as making the Qld team!!!! Well done to Nick and Jacob who also won the Boys Under 19 Team division!
Congratulation Nicholas and Jacob on your wonderful results!

Year 7 students, Annaliese Adamson and Coby Byers, recently competed in the 10-12yr Hockey State Titles in Ipswich. Capricornia Girls finished 2nd and were presented with the Silver Medal to honour 100 years of Queensland School Sport. The boys finished in 4th place.
Well done Annaliese and Coby, great results!

- Emily McAdam Yr 7
- Annabelle Berther Yr8
- Lara Cavanagh Yr 8
- Sienna McBride Yr8
- Charlotte Spearing Yr8
- Charlize Ryder Yr8
- Caitlyn Fitzsimmons Yr9
- Jade McErlain Yr9

Chanel College is accepting enrolments for Year 7 in 2022. This applies to students currently in Year 5.
Please note, however, that the interview process will not commence until 2021.
Please submit your Enrolment Application to secure a place for 2022.
Chanel College is fast becoming one of the most well respected Colleges in Central Qld, where we strive to meet and maximise each student’s individual potential.
Enrolment Packages available from the College Office or Download from the College Website, by following the link below.
PLEASE NOTE: The College Uniform Shop will be CLOSED on Monday 16 November and OPEN Tuesday 17 November 12.45 pm – 3.45 pm.
Normal hours on Thursday 19 November 12.45 pm – 3.45 pm.
Wednesday 11 November
• Remembrance Day Ceremony
Wednesday 18 November
• Year 12 Graduation Dinner
Thursday 19 November
• Year 12 Graduation Activities
Friday 20 November
• Year 12 Presentation Assembly 9.15 am
• Year 12 Graduation MASS 1.00 pm
• Term 4 Concludes for Year 12
Friday 27 November
• Term 4 Concludes for Years 10 & 11
Tuesday 1 December
• Year 7,8 & 9 House Challenge Day
Wednesday 2 December
• New Student Day (Year 7 for 2021)
Thursday 3 December
• Year 7 – 9 Picnic Day
Friday 4 December
• Term 4 Concludes for Years 7 – 9 (12.00 noon)

11 Paterson Street,
Gladstone QLD 4680
- Email: General Enquiries
- Email: Leadership Team
- Catholic Education: <Student Protection