Susan Bunkum
As this last week of Term 3 draws to a close, students in Years 7 to 11 can breathe a sigh of relief that their exams and assessment tasks are all behind them. In contrast, our Year 12 students are about to enter the final phase of preparation for their external assessments. As they have now finished the coursework associated with each of their subjects, they will sit mock exams at the beginning of Term 4 and then they will have the opportunity to participate in tutorials in the lead up to the formal external examination period. As a College, we are very confident that our students have been well placed for success in their pursuit of both university and vocational pathways. Already, several of our Year 12 students have been offered apprenticeships in local industries. We congratulate them on their success and wish them all the best as they embark on their future career pathways.
This year has been an interesting one on so many different levels … and, it is one that we hope will be a ‘one-off’! Disappointment associated with the cancellation of significant events in our sporting and cultural calendars, our inability to gather as a whole College community to celebrate student achievement, and an almost constant state of uncertainty about so many things that we have taken for granted until this year, have all added new challenges for us as a College that promotes excellence in all pursuits. On a personal level – for both staff and students, there is a more than tangible sense that we all need a holiday!
So it is, that in this last newsletter of the term, I wish everyone a relaxing and refreshing holiday. Stay safe and well and we will see you back at school on Tuesday 6 October.
Planning for 2021 is well underway. We would appreciate it if information regarding any student who is not intending to return to Chanel in 2021 could be provided in writing to Ms Dyer at the College Office as soon as possible.
Sections of road along Paterson Street are marked with solid yellow lines.
“It is important that you DO NOT stop or park at any time in zones marked with a solid yellow line on the road. This is a NO STOPPING ZONE. Other than the yellow line, these zones are usually not signed.”
For further information please see the following:

Kath Hore
Mission & RE Support Officer
Parish Masses Resumed
Fr Andrew would like to let everyone know that the normal Mass schedule in the parish has been resumed, albeit with all the necessary restrictions, and everyone is welcome back. If you wish to attend please register online at Thank you.
15 September – International Day of Democracy
The International Day of Democracy provides an opportunity to review the state of democracy in the world. Democracy is as much a process as a goal, and only with the full participation of and support by the international community, national governing bodies, civil society and individuals, can the ideal of democracy be made into a reality to be enjoyed by everyone, everywhere.
The values of freedom, respect for human rights and the principle of holding periodic and genuine elections by universal suffrage are essential elements of democracy. In turn, democracy provides the natural environment for the protection and effective realization of human rights.
The unprecedented COVID-19 crisis has resulted in major social, political and legal challenges globally. As states around the world adopt emergency measures to address the crisis, it is critical that they continue to uphold the rule of law, protect and respect international standards and basic principles of legality, and the right to access justice, remedies and due process.
UN Secretary General António Guterres has urged governments to be transparent, responsive and accountable in their COVID-19 response and ensure that any emergency measures are legal, proportionate, necessary and non-discriminatory.
For more info visit
27 September – Migrant and Refugee Sunday
This year is the 106th World Day for Migrants and Refugees (WDMR) and the theme is “Like Jesus Christ, forced to flee”.
WDMR raises awareness of displaced persons both within their own countries and those who need to flee to other countries. This year Covid-19 has had an impact on many humanitarian emergencies making it difficult to readily assist and support the most vulnerable people. The Refugee Council of Australia has estimated that nearly 4,000 refugees, who have humanitarian visas allowing them entry into Australia, are currently stranded overseas. They are unable to travel because Australia’s international border was closed to foreign nationals in March to curb the spread of COVID-19.
Pope Francis’ message and reflections for this year’s WDMR originate in the experience of Jesus Christ and his parents as displaced persons and refugees. To read Pope Francis’ message visit
Recycled Uniform Outlet
The Recycled Uniform ‘Outlet’ is open Tuesday afternoon from 3.30 to 4.15 pm. If you have an urgent need for recycled uniforms, please see Mrs Hore in Student Services. Formal uniforms sell for $10.00 per item, sports uniform and house shirts are $5.00 per item. Jackets are available for $25.00 each. All prices are negotiable.
If you have uniforms your child no longer requires – all donations are gratefully accepted.
Thursday Mass
8 October – Mrs Redden’s Year 8B Religion Class
15 October – Mrs Meiring’s Year 7B Religion Class
Class Mass is celebrated in the College Chapel at 10.40 am each Thursday
Please Pray for …
- All those who care for and offer support to others during Covid-19.
- People in our community who are unwell or recovering from illness.
- A safe and restful holiday for all students and staff and their families
- People who are fleeing political and religious conflicts and have no place to call home
- Governments and countries to be open to welcoming refugees
Praise and Thanks for…
- all people, who are working to ensure justice and peace prevail in many troubled countries.
- the work being done cooperatively between nations to produce a vaccine in the fight against Covid-19
- Living in a democratic country and having the freedom to worship God
- The rich and diverse cultures and traditions our migrants and refugees bring to our nation

What have the Student’s been up to?

Students were searching high and low for the rocks and all were found in a super fast time. Those who found them returned them to Miss Bazeley for a prize.
This was a great initiative to involve all the students and a great way to get important R U OK messages out to them all.

Chanel College are accepting Enrolments for Year 7 in 2022. This is the current Year 5 students in 2020.
*However the interview process will not commence until 2021.
Please submit your Enrolment Application to secure a place for 2022.
Chanel College is fast becoming one of the most well respected Colleges in Central Qld, where we strive to meet and maximise each student’s individual potential.
Enrolment Packages available from the College Office or Download from the College Website, by following the link below.

Leanne Crane
Careers Officer
- Eleesha Whiting – Apprentice Electrical Instrumentation, Rio Tinto Yarwun
- Renee Shaw – Apprentice Electrical Instrumentation, Rio Tinto Boyne Smelters
- Blake Vincent – Apprentice Mechanical Fitter, Rio Tinto Yarwun
- Jaize Whelan – Apprentice Fitter & Turner, Queensland Alumina Limited

Monday 5 October
Tuesday 6 October
• Term 4 Commences
Wednesday 11 November
• Remembrance Day Ceremony
Wednesday 18 November
• Year 12 Graduation Dinner
Thursday 19 November
• Year 12 Graduation Activities
Friday 20 November
• Year 12 Presentation Assembly 9.15 am
• Year 12 Graduation MASS 1.00 pm
• Term 4 Concludes for Year 12
Friday 27 November
• Term 4 Concludes for Years 10 & 11
Tuesday 1 December
• Year 7,8 & 9 House Challenge Day
Wednesday 2 December
• New Student Day (Year 7 for 2021)
Thursday 3 December
• Year 7 – 9 Picnic Day
Friday 4 December
• Term 4 Concludes for Years 7 – 9 (12.00 noon)

11 Paterson Street,
Gladstone QLD 4680
- Email: General Enquiries
- Email: Leadership Team
- Catholic Education: <Student Protection