Central to the mission of Chanel College is the commitment to fostering the dignity, self-esteem and integrity of young people and providing them with a safe, supportive, enriching environment to foster their spiritual, physical, intellectual, emotional and social development.
Chanel College recognises that its responsibility to students relates not only to their educational and spiritual formation, but also to their wellbeing as individuals.
Through our Pastoral system, we strive to show respect for one another and to treat each other with dignity, so that each individual boy and girl has a sense of his/her self-worth.
An important part of promoting an overall experience of wellbeing is developing in students a sense of connectedness and belonging to the Chanel College community.
Chanel College uses the House Pastoral System, the Co-curricular and Sporting Programs, Chanel Day and other events to provide opportunities for students to have fun and feel valued as members of the College community.
The House system reinforces a sense of belonging through a range of activities including sporting, cross-country and swimming carnivals and provides students with leadership opportunities.