Student protection and wellbeing are paramount at Chanel College. We are committed to the care, safety and wellbeing of all students whilst in our care.
Our student protection policies and processes are based on the following principles:
- every person is made in the image of God
- we have a moral and legal responsibility to provide students with a safe and secure environment
- all students have a right to expect that the school will always act to protect them from any kind of harm
- Chanel College is committed to the importance and implementation of student protection policies and processes.
Any concerns or reasonable suspicions about a student’s safety and well-being will be managed in accordance with Rockhampton Catholic Education Student Protection Processes.
The Student Protection Contacts at Chanel College are:
Dr Susan Bunkum – College Principal
Mrs Georgia Glindon – AP Students
Ms Jacqui Osborne – Dean of Students
Mrs Waneka Jannusch – College Counsellor
Mr Rob Paul – Sports Program Leader
Ms Elaine Daylight – Indigenous Education Officer
Further information about Rockhampton Catholic Education’s commitment to Student
Protection is available by clicking here.