Technology is an integral part of the curriculum in the 21st century. The College’s Technology Vision is to enable our students to access information and sources, make discerning judgments supporting the College ethos, “use technology for their integral development and the benefit of others”, to evaluate and organize information and to enable them to be lifelong learners, guided by the values of the Chanel College Mission Statement.
As part of our College’s learning environment, students are to be expected to have a Chromebook purchased through the College. The device is used every day. Students are required to bring the device fully charged to College each day and be responsible for its maintenance and care. The College does recommend a 3 year cycle to ensure maintaining usability in the classroom. Therefore, you may need to re-purchase over a 6 year period. The Chromebook is used to support our College being a GSuite school – using Google Apps for Education.
What is a Chromebook?
Chromebooks improve the ease of teaching and learning without the distraction of technology challenges. They boot in 8 seconds and resume instantly — eliminating the typical downtime wasted while traditional computers start up and connect to a network. Long battery life means Chromebooks last an entire school day. And since it’s easy to connect a Chromebook anytime and anywhere with built-in Wi-Fi, students can continue learning after school and at home. Applications, school work, and settings are stored in the cloud, Best of all, there is no special training required: If you know how to use a web browser, you know how to use a Chromebook.