Chanel College is a part of a wider community of Catholic primary and secondary schools affiliated with the Rockhampton Diocese of Catholic Education. In belonging to this wider learning community Chanel College finds its foundations in the Rockhampton Catholic Education Learning Framework and works to further develop this vision in a uniquely Chanel way.
Chanel College is a community rich in history and traditions and as such the College works to remember and honour this rich past.
Students at Chanel College are encouraged to engage in a curriculum that develops the total talents of the individual. In recognising this need for a holistic education we developed a model that identified those key understandings and domains of knowledge that students will need in order to become happy, active and successful members of the community. This vision for our learners was given life and is now known as the “Chaneligan”.
The “Chaneligan” is a responsible, resilient and respectful learner. Grounded in our College Mission Statement, the “Chaneligan” reaffirms our commitment to the education of all aspects of the individual within a caring and supportive environment.
Chanel College remains committed to the ongoing process of school review and improvement, re-visioning and quality assurance.